Request for safe return of Jharkhand workers stranded in South Africa
Date indiquée: 18 Jul 2024
Lieu: Cameroun
Larsen & Toubro - ClientAutre
Not Reported ( Construction ) - EmployerConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 27
Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( 27 - Inde , Construction , Men )Enjeux
Salaire impayé , Travail forcé et esclavage moderne , Droit à l'alimentation , Déni de liberté d'expression , Accès à l'information , Salaires de misèreRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par Resource Centre
Affaire contenant la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: Larsen & Toubro did not respond to the Resource Centre's request for comment. The workers were repatriated after releasing a video message seeking help from the State and Central governments. the company reportedly paid the outstanding wages.
Type de source: News outlet
The Jharkhand government has requested the authority responsible for protecting the interests of Indian workers going abroad under the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, for the safe return of 27 workers of Jharkhand stranded in South Africa. For this, the Secretary, Department of Labor, Employment, Training and Skill Development has written a letter to the authority.
In the letter, the authority has been told that 27 workers from Giridih, Bokaro have informed the State Migrant Control Room operated under the Department of Labor, Employment, Training and Skill Development that all of them have been working on the Vinayak Construction Project at Larsen & Toubro Limited, Face Gendarmerie, Apres Auditorium Jean Paul II, Mabanklo, Yaounde, Cameroon, South Africa since March 29, 2024.
The workers have said that their payment is pending and they want to return to Jharkhand. In the above context, the department has written a letter requesting to ensure the workers their legitimate dues and make necessary arrangements for their safe return to Jharkhand. The workers are residents of Hazaribagh, Giridih and Bokaro districts. The state government has expected cooperation and assistance from the authority in this matter.