Il s'agit d'une réponse à
Ghana: Report says deployment of military to mining areas has led to serious human rights violations
Gold Fields' response
Langues disponibles: English -
[DOC] Gold Fields' response
Langues disponibles: English -
[DOC] Newmont's response
Langues disponibles: English -
Response by AngloGold Ashanti: NGOs say mining companies have impeded food production, led to serious human rights abuses by the military.
Langues disponibles: English -
Response by Newmont: NGOs say mining companies have impeded food production, led to serious human rights abuses by the military.
Langues disponibles: English -
[DOC] AngloGold Ashanti's response
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Universal Periodic Review - Ghana (May 2008) Human Rights violations in the context of large-scale mining operations - Submission by FIAN International
Langues disponibles: English -
Red Back Mining did not respond to: NGOs say mining companies have impeded food production, led to serious human rights abuses by the military.
Langues disponibles: English -
Golden Star Resources did not respond to: NGOs say mining companies have impeded food production, led to serious human rights abuses by the military.
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète