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Réponse de l'entreprise

26 Oct 2020

Baker McKenzie's response to the 2020 Law Firm Climage Change Scorecard

Baker McKenzie appreciates the opportunity to respond to your questions.

Like many large law firms, Baker McKenzie supports clients in a wide variety of fields, including resources and energy. We are proud to have one of the world's leading renewable energy practices. Our Firm has also developed a track record of being at the forefront of climate policy and action. More than 20 years ago, we established the first climate change practice within a major law firm, and have supported nations, intergovernmental organizations and many other clients in taking action to combat climate change. This includes substantial amounts of pro bono work in climate policy and litigation. It also includes supporting clients across a range of sectors that are working toward a transition to low-carbon models — a critical part of climate action. Climate change remains among our top priorities, both in terms of what we see as critical threats to the world and its people, but also as a matter of risks and opportunities for the clients we serve.

We are also acting internally on climate change and sustainability. Last year, we set targets to reduce our global emissions from energy consumption by 92% by 2030, as part of our continuing effort to integrate sustainability meaningfully in to our business. We also strive to contribute to environmental sustainability through strategic partnerships (for example, as the first law firm to join both the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition. We also serve as outside counsel to the Prince of Wales Charitable Foundation Accounting for Sustainability in the US, which is focused on increased consideration of climate and sustainability in company valuation and to the United Nations Global Compact US Board).

In addition, we have been named “Best Law Firm in Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings” for the 11th consecutive year (Environmental Finance 2020); the only Band 1 ranked Firm for Climate Change (Chambers 2020); and “Climate Change Firm of the Year” (Who's Who Legal Awards 2019).

Baker McKenzie, 22 October 2020
