Saudi Arabia: Bangladeshi worker describes "severe exploitation" & barriers accessing justice in letters to civil society org. Migrant-Rights.Org
Date indiquée: 23 Sep 2024
Lieu: Arabie Saoudite
East West Human Resources - Recruiter , Al Mawarid Manpower - Employer , Prime Air Tourism - RecruiterConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 1
Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Bangladesh - Secteur inconnu , Men , Documented migrants )Enjeux
Frais de recrutement , Substitution de contrat , Accès à l'information , Détention arbitraire , Mobilité restreinte , Accès à un recours non judiciaire , Accès à la justice et protection juridique , Coups et violence , Intimidation et menaces , Déni de liberté d'expressionRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par Journalist
Lien externe vers la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: The companies did not respond to Migrant-Rights.Org
Type de source: News outlet
“Recruitment fraud and forced labour”
… Since arriving on 26 May, 2024, I have been subjected to deceit and abuse by representatives of East West Human Resources Company RL980 and Prime Air Tourism RL054, including Rubel Miah and Noyon Akthar. They falsely claimed that the money I paid was for mandatory fees, travel, and medical expenses, not for a work visa.
Upon my arrival, I was placed in a supply company under Al Mawarid Manpower Company, Rawda neighbourhood exit 12 Eastern Ring Road, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with a contract for a cleaner’s position facilitated…
Today, in the camp of Al Mawarid Company, officer Salman called me, assaulted me several times, threatened me, and took away my mobile phone. I was detained for five hours…
Also I need a translator or someone to file the case with the police, I have tried several times to file complaints but get turned away by the police because of the language barrier…
…MR had escalated his case and co-ordinated a complaint to Bureau of Manpower, Employment, and Training in Dhaka. The complaint has been registered…
…MR has written to East West Human Resources Company, Prime Air Tourism, and Al Mawarid seeking their comments. This section will be updated if and when a response is received…