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27 Jan 2022

Etenesh Abera, Addis Standard (Ethiopia)

Saudi Arabia: Reports flag inhumane conditions of Ethiopian migrants in detention over a year after Ethiopian Govt. pledges action

"Feature: Still suffering, detained Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia plead with the government to intervene", 22 Jan 2022

...Addis Standard received several reports of detainees held in inhumane conditions in Saudi Arabia prisons. 

...According to the detainees, nursing mothers, infants, and pregnant women are suffering in the prison without sufficient food, medicine, and a proper place to sleep...

...the government failed to fully engage to help...stranded citizens in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries due to limited resources and security issues the country is facing.

...Nebiyu Sirak, a journalist...complimented the testimonies by detainees about the inhumane conditions they were kept in and argued that there is a campaign targeting Ethiopians. He said, “Not all the detainees are illegal migrants. There are also some legal migrants who are detained without any due notice to later be identified as being legal migrants...” 

Although the Ministry of Foreign affairs talks about the issue of stranded Ethiopian citizens in Saudi Arabia at consecutive press briefings in the past couple of weeks, it rarely offered more than pledges to resume repatriating Ethiopian nationals ‘as soon as possible.’...
