South America: At least 109 spill sites overlap with protected areas in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia; 561 are located in indigenous communities

David Díaz Ávalos - PUNAMUDT
"Hundreds of oil spill sites threaten Amazon Indigenous lands, protected areas", 12 September 2023
...[T]here have been more than 3,000 spills that have affected thousands of local and Indigenous communities, as reported in our special series Manchados por el Petróleo (Stained By Oil).
...[W]e mapped the environmental liabilities reported by the countries’ environmental agencies between 2012 and 2022...As many as 4,284 contamination sites can be found scattered across Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. But that figure is almost doubled if we take into account the 3,994 instances of oil damage that are not classed as environmental liabilities but that are in many ways similar due to the damage they cause.
...109 spill sites overlap with 15 protected natural areas in Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, and that 561 environmental liabilities are located in 50 Indigenous communities. If we also include the contamination sites located up to 1 km (0.6 mi) from these territories, the figure rises to 1,681 contamination and other oil damage sites in and around 20 natural reserves and 90 Indigenous communities...