Special report: Newcastle United sponsor Noon and shocking allegations of worker mistreatment
Date indiquée: 12 Jui 2024
Lieu: Arabie Saoudite
Noon - Employer , Newcastle United Football Company Limited - Other Value Chain Entity , The Football Association Premier League Limited - Other Value Chain Entity , Al-Mutairi Support Services - Labour SupplierAutre
Not Reported ( Livraison express ) - Labour Supplier , Not Reported ( Expédition et manutention : Général ) - EmployerConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Afrique , Livraison express , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Afrique , Expédition et manutention : Général , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Asie et Pacifique , Livraison express , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Asie et Pacifique , Expédition et manutention : Général , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Pakistan , Expédition et manutention : Général , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Lieu inconnu - Secteur inconnu , Women , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Ouganda , Livraison express , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Inde - Secteur inconnu , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Bangladesh - Secteur inconnu , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Ouganda , Livraison express , Women , Unknown migration status )Enjeux
Déni de liberté d'expression , Intimidation et menaces , Discrimination fondée sur la race/l'ethnie/les castes/les origines , Travail forcé et esclavage moderne , Frais de recrutement , Servitude pour dettes , Conservation des documents d'identité , Santé et sécurité au travail , Objectifs de production excessifs , Salaire impayé , Horaires de travail et temps libre raisonnables , Accès à un recours non judiciaire , Exposition à la chaleur , Droit à l'alimentation , Substitution de contrat , Conditions de vie précaires/inadaptées , Coups et violence , Blessures , LicenciementRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par The Resource Centre & media
Affaire contenant la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: Noon and the Premier League provided statements in response to requests from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, but did not directly address questions around due diligence processes in light of the investigations. NUFC failed to provide a response. After the investigation was published, the Saudi Arabian Government said it would investigate the claims.
Type de source: NGO
Date indiquée: 12 Jui 2024
Lieu: Émirats arabes unis
Noon - Employer , Newcastle United Football Company Limited - Other Value Chain Entity , The Football Association Premier League Limited - Other Value Chain EntityConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 150
Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Népal , Expédition et manutention : Général , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Inde , Expédition et manutention : Général , Men , Unknown migration status )Enjeux
Salaires de misère , Accès à l'information , Santé mentale , Intimidation et menaces , Maladie , Horaires de travail et temps libre raisonnables , Salaire impayéRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par Journalist
Lien externe vers la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: A Noon spokesperson said to the NYT: “Noon strongly refutes these allegations as grossly inaccurate misrepresentations. After the investigation was published, the Saudi Arabian Government said it would investigate the claims.
Type de source: News outlet
Noon, the Gulf’s largest online retailer, has been Newcastle’s sleeve sponsor for the past two years. Its circular logo is prominent on the club’s shirt, stadium, and website. It will be there again next season — despite multiple allegations unearthed by The Athletic of serious worker mistreatment within the company’s supply chain and shared with Newcastle before the release of the club’s new Adidas kit.
A year before it was announced as Newcastle’s sleeve sponsor, Noon struck a deal with Emirati-owned Manchester City, becoming a “regional partner” of the Premier League champions, and hosting the trophy in its offices. Though Noon is a far less prominent partner at City than it is at Newcastle, not appearing on the shirt or stadium, the relationship is still operative.
Irfan is one of 12 workers from across the Gulf to whom The Athletic has spoken over recent months as part of a special investigation into labour conditions at Noon and, as in Irfan’s case, at agencies that supply Noon with migrant workers...
Although some workers are hired through agencies, Noon still has the responsibility under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to audit its supply chain — it is the one hiring the workers, paying wages, whose business is reliant on their labour...
The accusations raise serious questions for Noon, its partners Newcastle and Manchester City, and the Premier League about the levels of due diligence undertaken, the way sponsorship deals are policed by the league and what action, if any, it will take in light of these findings...
Newcastle and Manchester City completed due diligence processes on their deals and remain supportive of Noon but declined to comment when contacted by The Athletic. PIF also declined to comment. A Noon spokesperson referred to the size, scope and sophistication of the company’s operation, and denied all the claims, saying: “Noon strongly refutes these allegations as grossly inaccurate misrepresentations...
In response, the Premier League declined to formally comment but the view within the organisation is that the identity of sponsorship partners is a matter for individual clubs...