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16 Sep 2011

Wambui Kimathi & Louiza Kabiru, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, in Business Daily (Kenya)

What government and KPC should do to avert future tragedies in the wake of Mukuru-Sinai slum disaster [Kenya]

[In] the Mukuru-Sinai slum fir tragedy in which 95 people have so far died and 160 others hospitalised in a fire tragedy that occurred after an oil spillage from the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) infrastructure at the slum… The UN principles most importantly provided the government, enterprises and rights holders guidelines to ensure that constitutional guarantees placed on businesses in relation to the Bill of Rights are implemented… These guarantees mean that KPC and other relevant government agencies could be held accountable for human rights violations as a result of the oil spillage… The company’s responsibility to respect human rights after this tragedy is twofold. First, KPC urgently should conduct a human rights impact assessment to help it identify the full impact of the tragedy…Secondly…the company should proactively relocate all people living within the 30-metre barrier along its 896km stretch of the pipeline…
