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Offre d'emploi

9 Jul 2024

Business & Workers’ Rights Officer - FLEX

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About the role: FLEX is looking for someone with a passion for improving working conditions in service sectors, such as cleaning. In this role, you will support the development of more sustainable corporate responses through the development of a worker-informed human rights due diligence programme for businesses that contract cleaning services. Drawing on a 2-year pilot where we developed a worker-informed human rights due diligence framework, this work involves a strong worker-engagement element.

Above all this role requires someone with real passion and commitment for FLEX’s work to end labour exploitation and an excitement for ensuring workers are at the centre and actively involved in shaping solutions that work for them. You will be working in a dynamic team developing this programme, so this role will require flexibility and ability to adapt.

Hours: Part time, 4 days, equivalent to 30 hours per week. This may be flexible.

Contract: 1 year, fixed term (with possibilities of extension subject to funding).

Reports to: FLEX Business Engagement and Accountability Lead.

Deadline for applications: 28th July 2024

To apply please download, complete and send the FLEX Application Form via email to [email protected], quoting the reference AO24 in the email subject. Please also complete the Equal Opportunities Form.


FLEX office, Vauxhall, London – Flexible hybrid working with a mixture of in person and home/office working.
£32,020 per annum, pro rata
Date de clôture
28 Jul 2024

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