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20 Aoû 2024

Myanmar: Day labourers fired after workers complained about mandatory overtime conditions; incl. co. responses

In February 2024, it was reported that workers at Asdet Garment are facing a series of violations, including physical abuse, denial of permanent contracts for day labourers, the dismissal of day labourers after workers complained about rights violations, wage cuts for day labourers who don't work overtime, dismissal of day labourers without valid reason, and verbal abuse if workers don't want to work overtime.

In September 2024, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Etam Groupe (for its brand Undiz), LIDL (for its Esmara brand) and Footmark to respond. LIDL's response can be found below. Etam Groupe and Footmark did not respond.

Réponses de l'entreprise

Etam Groupe

Aucune réponse


Aucune réponse
