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7 Mar 2024

Shannon McKeown-Gilmore, Jurist

Norway: Government and Sámi people reach agreement over wind farm on indigenous land

"Norway ends dispute with Sámi people over construction of wind farm on indigenous land," 07 March 2024

Norway announced Wednesday that it reached an agreement with the indigenous Sámi people after a three-year dispute over the construction of Europe’s largest onshore wind farm. The dispute centred on the fact that the partially state-owned wind farm on the Fosen peninsula was built on land that the Sámi people have used for centuries to raise reindeer and thus contravened indigenous rights.

Under the agreement, the wind farm will remain in operation but includes provisions to protect the indigenous culture. The settlement incorporates an allocation of the energy produced by the wind farm for local purposes, a new area for reindeer winter grazing and a grant of 5 million kroner ($473,000) to strengthen Sámi culture. ...

In October 2021, the Supreme Court of Norway unanimously ruled that the wind farm’s construction violated indigenous rights. The court determined that Sámi reindeer herders have a right to enjoy their own culture under Article 27 of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). As a result of the “significant adverse effect” on the Sámi right to practise reindeer herding, the court held that the wind farm was illegal unless substantial remedies were implemented. 

Following the Supreme Court ruling, the Sámi people have regularly protested against the wind farm’s continued operation. In January, Norwegian authorities criminally charged 20 Sámi activists and their supporters for blocking access to multiple government buildings. ...

Part of the following timelines

Norway: Govt. and Sámi reach agreement to end the 3-year dispute over wind farm after Supreme Court ruling it violates their rights; incl. company responses

Fosen Vind and others lawsuit (re wind farm impact on Sámi People, Norway)