Rowena Dasig
On 12 July 2023, Miguela Peniero, farmer and community health worker, and youth volunteer Rowena Dasig were arrested by the army in purok Banaba, barangay Caridad Ibaba, Atimonan, Phillipines. They were arrested while conducting community research to analyse the potential impacts of the proposed combined cycle gas turbine power project and liquefied natural gas terminal plant to be operated by Atimonan One Energy, Inc. (A1E) on territory belonging to coconut farmers and fishing communities. In a social media post, the battalion that arrested the human rights defenders claimed that two are members of the revolutionary group New People’s Army.
The two defenders have been charged with illegal possession of firearms and explosives. The Environmental Defenders Congress (ENVIDEFCON) denounced the charges against Peniero and Dasig and demanded their immediate release.
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre contacted Atimonan One Energy to respond to the allegations, it did not.