USA: Companies reportedly continue importing thousands of tons of timber from Myanmar despite sanctions, incl. co. comments
"Acts of Defiance II: US companies break sanctions to import teak from Myanmar"
Since December 2022, when EIA published the first version of this report, 308.24 tonnes of Myanmar teak have been imported into the US... It is more profitable for traders to break the law and absorb the risk of penalties than it is to comply with the law. This is a risk traders are willing to take, as there have been no major consequences for others flouting the law, finding loopholes and turning a blind eye to who they are doing business with...
- Thoroughly review any third-party verification documents that accompany Myanmar teak shipments.
- Enforce sanctions against Myanmar teak traders, both within and outside the US.
- For US authorities to support the newly created Timber Membership Board and Enforcement Resource (TIMBER) Working Group44 in ongoing investigations and ensure the prosecution of those trading in Myanmar teak undermining sanctions and the Lacey Act 2008.
- For US authorities to work with EU competent authorities to ensure a consistent enforcement approach on Myanmar Teak...