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31 Ago 2024

By Somoy News (Malaysia)

Bangladeshi workers in Malaysia remain unpaid for 5 months

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Over 200 Bangladeshi workers employed by Kawaguchi Manufacturing Sdn Bhd in Malaysia have been left unpaid for five consecutive months, sparking protests and a plea for intervention from the Bangladesh Embassy.

…the company has since withheld their wages, causing significant distress among the workers, many of whom had sold their possessions or taken high-interest loans to finance their move abroad.

On Friday, 30th August, the workers staged a protest outside the company's premises, demanding their overdue wages. In response, the company reportedly countered with threats and took punitive actions against some workers, including levelling false charges and repatriating them to Bangladesh.

Four workers were blacklisted and sent back home, with a five-year ban on re-entering Malaysia….

The workers, who are subjected to gruelling 12-hour shifts, including three hours of overtime, are facing severe financial hardship…

"We are unable to repay the debts we took on in Bangladesh, and despite informing the company of our dire situation, they have disregarded our concerns and threatened us with deportation." [one of the affected workers said]…

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