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Company Response

9 Ott 2023

BESTSELLER's response to allegations of abuses in Myanmar garment factories - Nov 2023 update


Myanmar York


In July 2023, we conducted an investigation constituting an unannounced site visit, worker and factory management interviews, and documentary review. Our investigation found no evidence of excessive overtime, or unrealistic and/or excessive production targets. Additionally, it found that the factory provided entitled maternity leave and annual leave in accordance with the law and regulations.

However, we did observe verbal harassment taking place at the sewing lines. Additionally, during interviews workers raised concerns regarding the provision of and conditions related to the overtime transport.

Over July and August, we worked with the factory management to implement remediation measures that include establishing worker engagement protocols and systems, seeking support from an external certified third party to provide training on harassment and abuse, and strengthening internal awareness training for mid-level management related to harassment and abuse.

BESTSELLER issued a Notification of Concern regarding verbal harassment to the supplier. We have followed up the remediation process and note that the factory is currently engaged in training on Anti-Verbal Harassment, which is ongoing as of October. Related to this, in October, Myanmar York and a local union will be engaging in Social Dialogue regarding workers concerns.

Tianjin Fashion Milestone Garment


We conducted an investigation constituting an unannounced site visit, worker and factory management interviews, and documentary review. Our investigation did not find any evidence of threats to workers' wellbeing during travel to and from work, wage cuts, or forced labour and workers confirmed that overtime was voluntary.

Workers confirmed during interviews that overtime was voluntarily, and that they had not been forced or pressured to work overtime. We continue to closely monitor all potential risks related to these allegations during our monthly visits and continue to work with the supplier and factory to ensure all factory practices meet both local regulations and BESTSELLER standards.

The factory has been enrolled in the SMART Tag programme (MADE), and both factory management, workers, and our local team have observed improvements in social dialogue at the factory. Additionally, all workers sampled during recent interviews were fully aware of the WCC representatives. Our documentary review of WCC minutes and suggestion box records found that the grievance handling mechanisms were working well.

Dishang Fashion Garment


We conducted an investigation constituting an unannounced site visit, worker and factory management interviews, and documentary review. Our investigation did not find evidence to support the allegations.

Nonetheless, we have provided guidance and support to the supplier and factory by offering suggestions for how to address these instances if they do occur. We continue to closely monitor indicators of discrimination and forced labour risks related to these allegations during our monthly visits.

Kfine International Garment (Myanmar)


We conducted an investigation constituting an unannounced site visit, worker and factory management interviews, and documentary review. Our investigation found that some of the allegations made on social media reflected workers' experiences, including hiring daily workers, providing wages lower than the minimum wage, and concerns regarding night shift working. However, we found no evidence of termination of pregnant workers, hiring workers aged between 13-15, and workers not getting access to food due to excessive overtime.

We have taken the confirmed allegations very seriously and have placed both the supplier and the factory under heightened observation until significant improvements are made. For the remediation, we mandated the factory to transfer the daily workers to permanent workers and provide them with Employment Contract and their entitled benefits as permanent workers. Overtime records found that workers were not receiving their entitled premium overtime payments. As remediation, we required the factory to compensate the former daily workers (now permanent) as per requirements under permanent salaried worker requirements.

Regarding instances of excessive overtime, we mandated factory management to find a long-term solution to the frequent high levels of working hours at the factory. We have also reiterated that the factory must warn BESTESLLER of any forecast surges in production that would require workers to work overtime and provide assurance that any overtime is done by freely consenting workers.

While no instances of verbal harassment and pressuring workers to meet production targets was confirmed, as a precautionary measure, we have requested training for the factory middle management on appropriate workplace communication and that such training takes place during working hours.

Zong Hong Garment


Regarding the August 2022 allegations, BESTSELLER’s investigation confirmed allegations regarding improper wages, working hours, and payment of benefits. Therefore, a warning letter was issued to the supplier regarding the violations of workers’ rights. The instances were remediated as per BESTSELLER’s standard procedures.

In May 2023, we conducted an investigation into the new allegations, constituting an unannounced site visit, worker and factory management interviews, and documentary review. Our investigation did not find evidence of any of the reported allegations. Nonetheless, we continue to monitor conditions at Zong Hong Garment closely to ensure that all workers are treated fairly and in accordance with local regulations and BESTSELLER standards.

Huabo Times


For each of the reports, we conducted an investigation constituting an unannounced site visit, worker and factory management interviews, and documentary review. Our investigations found evidence of verbal harassment by one supervisor and excessive, although not forced, overtime.

We sent a Notification of Concern related to the excessive working hours to the supplier, reminding them of their duty to ensure that any overtime be done so on a voluntary basis and be compensated as per the law. BESTSELLER is also working with the factory to improve working hours monitoring systems and ensure that workers are duly paid. The factory’s management team has issued a warning letter to the supervisor and enrolled their middle management team in training (the SMART Social Compliance Programme (MADE project)) to mitigate the risk of such harassment happening in future.

[The full response is attached]

Part of the following timelines

Myanmar: Garment workers at Zong Hong Garment factory report non-compliance of COVID-19 regulations, underpaid wages & non-payment of overtime pay; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers allege labour rights violations at garment factory, incl. mandatory overtime, harassment & denial of leave; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers at Dishang Fashion Garment factory allegedly face abuses incl. verbal abuse & excessive production targets; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report union busting tactics at garment factory; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers at Huabo Times factory allegedly physically & verbally abused by supervisor; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Women garment workers face safety risks on way home from overtime shifts; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers at Kfine International Garment workers face multiple labour rights abuses; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers at Kfine Internional Garment factory reportedly face wage cuts if they suffer from health problems incl. fainting or illness; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers allegedly face labour rights abuses incl. denial of maternity leave & mandatory overtime; Incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report being robbed due to lack of ferries to transport workers after night shifts; Incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers at Zong Hong garment factory report several labour rights violations; Incl. co. responses