Blackwater successor settles Baghdad shooting suit
The new owners of the security company formerly known as Blackwater…settled a lawsuit brought by some of the survivors and estates of Iraqis killed during an infamous 2007 shooting in Baghdad. The settlement closes the last lawsuit against the company now called Academi over the shooting that killed 17 Iraqis in Baghdad's Nisoor Square…Security personnel of Blackwater…were guarding U.S. diplomats when the guards opened fire in the crowded square on Sept. 16, 2007. Seventeen people were killed…in a shooting that inflamed anti-American sentiment in Iraq. The Blackwater contractors argued that insurgents ambushed them in a traffic circle before they opened fire. Prosecutors who filed criminal charges said the men unleashed an unprovoked attack on civilians…The confidential settlement of the lawsuit against the former Blackwater "enables its new management to move the company forward," Academi said in a statement…