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28 Mar 2017

Arthur Neslen, The Guardian (UK)

Bolivia & Brazil: Mighty Earth’s report alleges food companies are not doing enough to prevent deforestation in areas they operate in & offer financial incentives that spur the process

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The hamburger chain Burger King has been buying animal feed produced in soy plantations carved out by the burning of tropical forests in Brazil and Bolivia, according to a new report...[by]...Mighty Earth...Glenn Hurowitz, Mighty Earth’s CEO, said: “...Bunge and Cargill supply Burger King and other big meat sellers with grain. McDonald’s, Subway and KFC are not perfect but they’re doing a hell of a lot more to protect the forests. If Burger King does not respond immediately to people who want to know where their food comes from, then people should shop elsewhere.”...Mighty Earth says food companies are not doing enough to prevent deforestation in areas they operate in, and offer financial incentives that spur the process in the first place. Burger King...declined to respond to requests for comment...Investors representing $617bn of assets...sent a letter to Cargill, Bunge and several burger chains, in which they “demand that companies reaffirm and extend zero deforestation commitments specific to Latin America”...

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