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Company Response

22 Feb 2016


Bolloré response

[T]he Bolloré Group...reiterates that it is only a shareholder of the Socfin Group...Therefore the Group cannot be held directly responsible for actions or decisions taken by Socfin...However, the Bolloré Group carries out its duty of vigilance...[T]he Group...accept[ed]...mediation with the NGOs Sherpa before the French National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD, on the Cameroonian plantation Socapalm (subsidiary of Socfin)...[T]he Group organized a meeting in October 2014, with representatives of local residents of Socfin plantations...The Bolloré Group, active as a shareholder and director of Socfin but not leader, plays a facilitating role in this case...The Socfin group...says that none of these criticisms is proved true. The Bolloré Group has every reason to believe these answers and maintain its investment, which enables many new jobs and improves the opportunity for local people to eat at the best price while benefiting from social services...The Bolloré Group recalls that it is regularly noted by agencies on its extra-financial performance and that its rating improves. The company's existing actions and its willingness to make progress should be acknowledged. As for the question raised by some media about the trial Bastamag, namely "it is still possible to inform on the activities of Bolloré Group?", the Group responds: to inform is a right, to defame is a criminal offense.

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