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30 Mar 2020

Davin Sen, Khmer Times

Cambodia: About 200 garment workers protest after factory owners suspend them without due compensation

"Suspended factory workers demand partial pay", 30 March 2020

Nearly 200 factory workers of Jacka Shoes Manufactory Co Ltd in Kampong Speu province’s Samraong Tong district staged a protest after being suspended without due compensation.

One of the workers, Keo Theara, ... said they are demanding for 40 percent of their wages, which the company is obligated to provide after the temporary cessation of its operations and suspension of its workers.

“Most of the workers have been working here for several years. They want the company to pay a portion of their wages amid the suspension,” said Ms Theara.

Soy Chanthou, president of the Federation Union of Free and Independent, said: “The government ordered the company to pay 40 percent of the workers’ wages while their operations are on hold but the company did not comply.”

Labour Ministry spokesman Heng Sour said the provincial labour department officials are working on resolving the dispute. “During this time, both parties must consider communicating with each other to understand one another and reach a compromise,” said Mr Sour.

The Ministry of Labour last month ordered factories that have halted production amid the pandemic to pay 40 percent of the workers’ minimum wages to ease their financial burdens. The government, in addition, is to pay 20 percent of the wages to the suspended workers...

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