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12 Mar 2020

Davin Sen, Khmer Times

Cambodia: About 800 workers protest to demand their last wages and severance pay after a factory suspends operations

"More than 800 workers in Kandal demand severance pay", 6 March 2020

More than 800 garment workers in Kandal’s Khsach Kandal district protested on ... to demand their last wages and severance pay after the company suspended its operation due to the shortage of raw material.

Mao Samoun, a local unionist, said that ... workers at the Crystal Martin (Cambodia) Limited agreed to have their contracts terminated and accepted the last wages and severance pays but ... the company chose to suspend its operation for two months.

“The workers do not want the company to suspend its operation but they want it to terminate their contracts, pay them their last wage and severance amount due,” Mr Samoun said...

Lim Sarum, chief of the provincial labour resolution office, said the dispute between the company and workers was referred to provincial labour department...

“The labour department received this case and we are working on it to find a solution. Till now no resolve has been reached,” Mr Sarum said.

Pav Sina, president of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers, said the Labour Ministry should set up training centres for laid-off workers so they can learn other skills.

Prime Minister Hun Sen said ... garment workers who have lost work due to temporary factory closures amid the Everything-but-arms withdrawal and the COVID-19 outbreak will be paid 60 percent of the minimum wage...

Part of the following timelines

Southeast Asia sees factory shutdowns and massive lay-offs due to Covid-19 outbreak

Cambodia: Garment workers protest unpaid wages as COVID-19 disrupts supply chains