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13 Mag 2020

Davin Sen, Khmer Times

Cambodia: Around 1,600 workers protest to demand their missing wages & compensation for furloughed workers

"About 1,600 workers demand April’s wages", 14 May 2020

About 1,600 workers of the FMF factory staged a protest ... in front of the factory to demand last month’s missing wages in Kandal province’s Takhmao city.

Chin Mali, one of the workers, said ... the factory management failed to pay workers their last month’s wages and sacked 150 workers without advance notice.

Ms Mali stresses that the company, which produces bags and handbags, did not pay compensation to the furloughed workers.

Another worker said the company promised to pay them ... but payment was delayed...

She said the factory suspended its operation 20 days ago owing to coronavirus pandemic and will continue another 15-day suspension...

Cheav Sok Theng, administration chief of FMF factory, said the factory has faced a financial crunch amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have never paid them late but this month, it has no money because our products could not be exported due to cancelled orders,” Mr Sok Theng said. “However, we are trying hard to find money to pay them.”

He said the company was forced to lay off 150 workers because of the financial crunch...

Part of the following timelines

Southeast Asia sees factory shutdowns and massive lay-offs due to Covid-19 outbreak

Cambodia: Garment workers protest unpaid wages as COVID-19 disrupts supply chains

Cambodia: Over 2000 workers of Chinese garment and footwear companies protest to demand unpaid wages