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5 Mag 2020

Davin Sen, Khmer Times

Cambodia: Around 400 footwear workers protest to demand missing wages and seniority payments from their employer; while factory closes

"About 400 footwear workers protest over unpaid wages", 06 May 2020

About 400 footwear workers of Kun Da Footwear Co. Ltd staged a protest in the capital’s Dangkor district ... to demand missing wages and seniority pay.

Chhin Vanna, one of the protestors, said the factory suspended its operations at the end of last month and the employer failed to show up to pay them.

“Our employer has fled. No one has come to find a solution related to our seniority pay,” she said...

The workers are demanding their seniority pay and that they worked with the company for nearly five years.

Another worker Kun Nenh said the company has been selling some of its machinery but until now they have not paid them.

“The company keeps promising day after day that it will pay our last wages and some benefits but until now we have not gotten anything,” she said.

Ms Nenh said workers saw the company transporting some machinery out of the factory to sell which is why they are demanding that it speeds up paying them.

“We workers are finding it difficult to find money to pay for our housing and other expenses,” she added.

..., the company informed the workers it was no longer able to operate and had decided to sell off its machinery to pay seniority payments to all of them.

..., GMAC appealed to garment, footwear and travel goods buyers to continue sourcing from Cambodia.

In ... statement, the association said it has received commitments from some buyers, for which GMAC and Cambodian people are grateful...

Part of the following timelines

Cambodia: Garment workers protest unpaid wages as COVID-19 disrupts supply chains

Cambodia: Over 2000 workers of Chinese garment and footwear companies protest to demand unpaid wages