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2 Giu 2020


Cambodia: PM says 256 factories in apparel sector and 169 companies in tourism sector suspend operations affecting over 146,000 workers due to COVID-19

"Cambodian PM says 256 factories suspended due to COVID-19, affecting over 130,000 workers", 01 June 2020

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said … that some 256 garment, footwear and travel goods factories in Cambodia had suspended their operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting more than 130,000 workers.

Besides, about 169 companies in tourism sector had also been closed temporarily, leaving roughly 16,891 people unemployed, he added.

"To help relieve the burden of the jobless, the government and the employers have decided to pay 40 U.S. dollars and 30 U.S. dollars, respectively to each of them per month, so an unemployed worker gets 70 U.S. dollars," Hun Sen said during a visit to the southwestern coastal province of Preah Sihanouk.

European countries and the United States are major market destinations for the kingdom's garment, footwear and travel goods exports, and both have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as their markets continue to close and residents tighten their purse strings.

Labor Ministry spokesman Heng Sour said … that factories had not received any orders from buyers for both May and June, as well as for the foreseeable future.

"We can conclude that exports of garments and footwear will be hit hard in the second quarter this year," he said.

The garment, footwear and travel goods industry is Cambodia's biggest export sector, employing about 750,000 people in approximately 1,100 factories and branches, according the Labor Ministry…

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