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7 Lug 2015

Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA)

Canadian court orders HudBay to disclose corporate documentation in lawsuit over alleged killings & rape in Guatemala

"Important court ruling in the HudBay Minerals- Guatemala human rights lawsuit", 30 Jun 2015

In a decision released today, the Ontario Court of Justice in Toronto ordered Hudbay Minerals to disclose extensive internal corporate documentation to the Guatemalan plaintiffs who are suing Hudbay Minerals in Ontario for alleged murder, shooting and gang rapes that occurred at the company’s Fenix mine in Guatemala in 2007 and 2009...The court ordered Hudbay to disclose extensive documentation relating to its corporate structure and its control over its subsidiary in Guatemala...The court further ruled that Hudbay must reveal its security policies at its other mining operations...The court also ordered Hudbay to disclose its documentation relating to the corporation’s relations with the plaintiffs’ communities in Guatemala...[Lawyer Cory] Wanless said, “Hudbay’s internal documents will, we think, reveal serious deficiencies regarding Hudbay’s interactions and relationships with the plaintiffs’ communities that contributed to the alleged gang rapes, shooting and murder committed by Hudbay’s security forces.”...

Part of the following timelines

Hudbay Minerals lawsuit (re rape & sexual assault in Guatemala, filed in Canada)

Hudbay Minerals lawsuit (re killing of community leader, Guatemala, filed in Canada)

Hudbay Minerals lawsuit (re shooting at Fenix mine, Guatemala, filed in Canada)