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3 Mar 2009

Jennifer Moore, The Tyee [Canada]

Canadian mining firm financed violence in Ecuador: Lawsuit [Canada]

[T]hree villagers from the valley of Intag in northwestern Ecuador…are suing Copper Mesa Mining Corporation…and the Toronto Stock Exchange. They allege that company directors and the TMX Group have not done enough to reduce the risk of harm being faced by farmers and community leaders in Intag who have faced violent threats and attacks for opposition…Carolyn Quick, director of corporate communications for the TMX Group, told The Tyee her firm considers the case to be "entirely without merit" and that they will "vigorously defend this position."…No one from Copper Mesa was available to speak with The Tyee. [also refers to Rio Tinto]

Part of the following timelines

Spotlight on unions and women [Mauritania]: Mahjouba Mint Saleek

Canada: Lawsuit against Copper Mesa and TMX Group for allegedly financing violence in Ecuador

Copper Mesa Mining lawsuit (re Ecuador)