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Company Response

5 Lug 2021

Cellebrite DI Ltd (part of Sun Corporation)

Cellebrite response re facilitating human rights violations by selling its products to repressive regimes around the world

We may not enter into relationships with potential customers if we consider their activities to be inconsistent with our organizational mission or values.

We generally do not enter into business with customers whose positions or actions we consider inconsistent with our mission to support law enforcement acting in a legal manner. We pursue only those customers who we believe will act lawfully and not in a manner incompatible with privacy rights or human rights. For example, we have chosen not to do business in Bangladesh, Belarus, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Russia and Venezuela partially due to concerns regarding human rights and data security, and we may in the future decide not to operate in other countries or with other potential customers for similar reasons. Our decisions to not do business with these countries may alter our expectations surrounding our long-term financial benefits and results, which may harm our growth prospects, business, and results of operations. Although we endeavor to do business with customers and governments that are aligned with our mission and values, we cannot predict how the activities and values of our government and private sector customers will evolve over time, and they may evolve in a manner inconsistent with our mission.

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