COFCO International responded
10 December 2021
[...] Globally, COFCO International’s footprint at the farming level is limited to farms owned by third parties in South Africa and the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, under a contract cultivation model. COFCO International does not own farmland.
As per our Human Rights and Labour Policy, COFCO International is committed to respect internationally recognised human rights as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the eight Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization. This Policy extends to our contractors and outlines our standards for freedom of association, no forced or child labour, diversity and equal opportunities, no harassment and fair employment practices.
To gain increased visibility of where human rights risks might occur and the level of severity they present, we recently undertook a comprehensive human rights impact assessment covering our global operations and key supply chains. This included an in-depth review of our footprint, current policies, and management processes. Based on these findings, we are developing a holistic, more proactive approach to upholding people’s rights.
As per our Environmental Policy, we are committed to conducting our activities in an environmentally responsible manner, with respect for evolving legislation, and adhering to the Environmental and Social Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation. To deliver on our commitment to environmental responsibility, we take a risk-based approach to improving our impacts, in line with our global Policy and management system. These efforts are supported by regular internal and external audits to monitor progress and continuously improve.
[full response attached]