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Company Response

30 Set 2020

Response by cometis

...As our sister agency Xenophon Strategies pointed out in a previous statement, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s article does not consider the substantial changes and reforms that the Republic of Uzbekistan has implemented in the past four years. Since 2016, when Shavkat Mirziyoyev was elected President, he has successfully implemented a number of reforms to modernize the country and its economy.

We are working with the Government of Uzbekistan to make these reforms and their effects transparent to stakeholders. To this end, we are producing an Environmental Social and Governance Report for Uzbekistan. ESG reports are widely known and accepted as a reporting format on the most material issues of sustainability. With this report, Uzbekistan will provide a new level of transparency on the key challenges it is facing as well as its reform efforts and progress to solve them...

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