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6 Giu 2017

Human Rights International Corner

Commentary on Italian Natl. Action Plan welcomes call for human rights due diligence by small & medium sized companies in weak governance zones

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...Besides the already-mentioned necessity to promote due diligence process for Small and Medium Enterprises - that represent the majority of Italian enterprises - the text also highlights that need for companies operating in «weak governance zones» to apply HRDD throughout their supply chains, in light of the EU Regulation on conflict minerals approved on March 2017 (pag 23, Part IV B - NAP English version). Furthermore, a number of measures tackling irregular work and caporalato, especially in the agricultural sector, are listed (pag. 15-16, Part IV B – NAP English version). Nevertheless, these are mainly aimed at preventing and repressing these phenomena, whilst the victims are less safeguarded and protected, in particular irregular migrants. Finally, regarding the provision of training activities on Human Rights through e-learning schemes and ad hoc seminars – directed to diplomatic and consular network, competent Government and public officials, judges and lawyers – one more time HRIC expresses its availability to take care and carry on this kind of initiatives, thanks to the multidisciplinary expertise of its members...

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