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24 Nov 2015

Robbie Silverman, Oxfam America

Commentary: "Ruffling feathers and making an impact: Oxfam’s campaign for poultry workers’ rights"

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Over the last two years, Oxfam has partnered with over a dozen organizations to advocate for poultry workers. We’ve been working with civil rights organizations, unions, workers’ rights groups, and worker centers in poultry-producing states. We’ve collaborated on raising awareness about the poultry industry, and are now pushing consumers, policy makers, and the poultry industry to make positive changes for the workers.  We are targeting the top four poultry companies to lead the way and improve conditions for their workforce—Tyson Foods, Pilgrim’s, Perdue, and Sanderson Farms. Together, these four companies control 60 percent of the chicken market in the US, employ more than 100,000 line workers, and sell hundreds of products that are in every top retail store, restaurant chain, and food service line. Here’s how we’re doing it [see full details in blog]...And the great news is that we are already seeing signs of progress [see details in full blog].

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