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3 Mar 2017

Front Line Defenders

Complaint against Centro de Estudios de la Mujer – Honduras

...On 28 February 2017, two days before the one-year anniversary of the killing of Berta Cáceres, Suyapa Martínez was notified that DESA had filed a lawsuit against CEM-H, based on declarations made by the human rights defender as a representative of the organization concerning the murder of Berta Cáceres. Suyapa Martínez publicly alleged that DESA was involved in the planning of the crime. On 2 May 2016, four men were arrested in connection with the murder of Berta Cáceres, two of whom have ties with DESA, the Honduran company that was building the Agua Zarca dam, a project Berta Cáceres had strongly opposed and campaigned against. In the complaint, the company requests indemnification for damages and losses to the amount of one million lempiras (approximately €40,400) for allegedly inaccurate and false declarations. The human rights defender is due to attend a court hearing at 10 am on 21 March 2017…[Refers to the case to Gladys Lanza Ochoa and Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Vivienda Social, Urbana y Rural]

Part of the following timelines

Honduras: 1 year since Berta Cáceres’ murder – selected materials

Honduras: DESA files defamation lawsuit against women's rights NGO over its representative's statements on the killing of Berta Cáceres

Business, civic freedoms and human rights defenders: Which developments and ideas did we put in the spotlight?