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6 Apr 2021

Hereward Holland & Helen Reid, Reuters

Congo: Glencore's KCC mine spills acid into nearby rivers

See all tags Allegations

"Glencore's KCC mine in Congo had acid spill on March 16", April 6 2021

Glencore's (GLEN.L) Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) mine in the Congo had a "limited release" of sulphuric acid from a tank during maintenance work on March 16, the commodities trading giant said on Tuesday.

Glencore declined to say how much acid was spilled from the tank, but said KCC immediately contained the spill and conducted follow-up monitoring of the environment, and there were no injuries to the workforce or contractors.

"At approximately 7pm on 16 March, KCC experienced a limited release of acid from Tank Farm 1 during maintenance work. There was no explosion," Glencore said in a statement. "Follow-up with the community was conducted to advise of the event and our community officers have not registered any complaints nor concerns from their engagement with the surrounding communities."

Glencore's statement came after Congolese non-governmental organisation AFREWATCH said a tank containing sulphuric acid had exploded at KCC, causing acid to spill into nearby rivers, and called for an investigation...

Glencore said KCC continues to engage with local authorities and communities regarding the incident, and hosted a site visit by the Department of the Environment last month...