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27 Feb 2008


[DOC] Aegis statement regarding "Trophy video"

The alleged incident refers to a homemade, compilation video posted on the internet in October 2005 by a former, disgruntled contractor in a malicious attempt to discredit Aegis. The compilation video and the different incidents it portrayed were fully investigated by the US Army and by an independent Panel of Inquiry organized by Aegis. Both investigations confirmed that all of the circumstances, when seen in context, were within the approved and accepted Rules for the Use of Force, that no crime had been committed, and that there was no case to answer.

Part of the following timelines

Human Rights First report says failure to hold private security contractors accountable for abuses has created a “culture of impunity"

USA: Human Rights Watch & Human Rights First support proposed law to improve private security firms' accountability

British security companies operating in Iraq - concerns about accountability

Reino Unido: ONG llevará al Ejecutivo a los tribunales si éste no regula a las empresas de seguridad privada en zonas de conflicto

War on Want criticises UK Govt. for increasing use of private security companies without introducing law to curb their human rights abuses

UK: War on Want challenges govt. over failure to regulate private security companies – refers to Erinys, Aegis, ArmorGroup