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27 Mar 2012


[DOC] CRH responds

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CRH is a 25% minority shareholder in Mashav, an investment company that owns Nesher Cement. CRH has no input in the day to day management of either Mashav or Nesher...Nesher sells cement through distributors, concrete products manufacturers and ready mix concrete producers. It is not involved in concrete manufacturing nor in contracting and, as such, it carries out no construction work in Israel, in the Palestinian Territories or anywhere else. Nesher is precluded, as a matter of law, from discriminating between any customer of whatever commercial, religious or political affiliation. Nesher’s cement is sold throughout Israel and the Palestinian Territories...CRH takes its corporate responsibilities very seriously and is fully aware of its legal obligations. It abides by the law in every jurisdiction in which it operates and CRH is satisfied that it is fully compliant with Human Rights Law.

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