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5 Ott 2005

Rights & Accountability in Development (RAID)

[DOC] Response to Anvil Mining’s ‘Report on the Visit by NGOs to the Dikulushi Mine, DRC’ [Dem. Rep. of Congo]

RAID is releasing this brief account of its visit to the Dikulushi Mine and Kilwa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in response to the report which Anvil Mining has circulated widely concerning the visit by NGOs to the Dikulushi Mine...A full report is in preparation.

Part of the following timelines

Dem. Rep. of Congo: Report by UN peacekeeping mission says Anvil Mining gave inconsistent accounts of its involvement in clampdown by army that left 100 dead - Anvil says nothing in the report suggests it acted improperly

Anvil Mining letter responding to report by Rights & Accountability in Development, regarding Kilwa massacre in Dem. Rep. of Congo in Oct 2004