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22 Mag 2023

DRC: RAID report alleges violation of workers' rights in cobalt mines; includes Glencore's & CMOC's responses; EGG did not respond

"Electric vehicles and workers rights abuses at DR Congo's industrial cobalt mines"

This report examines workers’ rights at Congo’s industrial mines where the large majority of cobalt is coming from, producing some 80% of the cobalt exported from the country (in contrast to the 20% produced in artisanal mines). It reveals a subcontracting model that erodes workers’ rights[; ]racism, discrimination and degrading treatment [and i]nadequate safety and workers’ health cover. [We reached out to Glencore, CMOC & ERG to respond to the report. Glencore' and CMOC's responses are provided. ERG did not respond. We did not obtain China Nonferrous Metal Mining Company & Sino-congolaise des mines contact information to reach out]

Company Responses

Glencore View Response
Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) (joint venture between CMOC and Gecamines) View Response
Eurasian Resources Group (ERG)

No Response

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