EU: European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee adopts its position towards EU-wide protection against SLAPPs
"EP’s Legal Affairs Committee adopts anti-SLAPP position, plenary vote next month", 27 June 2023
The European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee... adopted its position on new rules it believes will ensure EU-wide protection against vexatious lawsuits against public participation.
... The new draft rules contain safeguards against strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and associated threats.
“These are unfounded and abusive legal actions to silence those working in the public interest on matters such as fundamental rights, the environment and public access to information,” the Committee said in a statement after the vote.
... If the EP’s position makes it through the European Council, those targeted by a SLAPP would be able to apply for their case to be dismissed early and it would be up to the claimant to prove that the case is not manifestly unfounded...
Parliament will adopt its negotiating position at its plenary session in July. It will then decide together with the Council on the new legislation’s final form.