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6 Gen 2011

Kelley Shannon, Reuters

Exxon CEO disputes panel finding on BP spill cause

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Exxon Mobil Corp's chief executive officer disputed findings from a White House commission that lax industry practices were to blame for last year's massive BP oil spill...Rex Tillerson...sought to insulate Exxon and the industry from blame for the incident, the worst offshore spill in U.S. history. "I do not agree that this is an industrywide problem," Tillerson said..."The commission did not investigate the entire industry," Tillerson told reporters. "It seems to ignore years of record of good performance, so I do not agree with that conclusion."...The accident was "a painful reminder" of the harm that can result from failure to uphold performance standards, Tillerson said.

Part of the following timelines

USA: Govt. commission's final report on causes of Gulf oil spill states companies made risky decisions prior to spill, report may influence legal responsibilty

USA: Deepwater Horizon spill commission issues final report - finds fault with govt., BP & contractors, points to "systemic failures" in the industry