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9 Lug 2019

UNI Global Union

France: UNI Global Union and Sherpa issue formal notice to Teleperformance to comply with Duty of Vigilance Law

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"UNI Global Union and Sherpa send formal notice to Teleperformance—calling on the world leader in call centres to strengthen workers' rights", 18 July 2019

French NGO Sherpa and...UNI Global Union formally put...Teleperformance on notice...that it must comply with its duty of vigilance regarding human rights. Both organisations...do not believe Teleperformance’s vigilance plan meets the minimum requirements of the French...Law on the Duty of Vigilance...

...Despite UNI Global Union raising concerns, Teleperformance did not publish a vigilance plan in its annual report in 2018 and only published a two-page plan in 2019, without involving trade unions as stakeholders. No efforts were made to identify and prevent specific risks of violations to workers' rights...

...Sherpa and UNI Global Union formally demand that Teleperformance strengthen its vigilance standards and procedures. If the company does not take appropriate measures within the next three months...[the] organisations may take a court action where the company could be ordered to comply with its obligations under the law...

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