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16 Lug 2014


Full ActionAid report

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"The Great Land Heist: How the world is paving the way for corporate land grabs", May 2014

In The Great Land Heist, ActionAid presents cases highlighting how land grabs in Cambodia, Kenya, India, Mozambique, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Tanzania are leading to forced evictions,human rights violations, lost livelihoods, divided communities,destruction ofculturally significant sites, rising food insecurity and, ultimately, increased poverty. Crucially, it also shows how women, who undertake the majority of household food production in many countries, often fare worst from land grabs. But this disastrous trend can be stopped. Reforms are urgently needed to remove the array of public finance and policy incentives that buoy land grabbing, and redirect resources into types of agricultural production that are both more equitable and more sustainable...[Refers to Addax Bioenergy, Angkor Sugar Company, Cane and Sugar Valley, Cargill, Dominion Farms, Phnom Penh Sugar, Kampong Speu Sugar, Kenya Jatropha Energy (part of Nuove Iniziative Industrali), Koh Kong Sugar, Sénéthanol, Senhuile, Sun Biofuels, Tonle Sugar Cane]

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