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25 Giu 2023

New Age Bangladesh

Gulf states urged to protect migrant workers from heat

Migrant workers’ rights activists on Saturday urged the Gulf states to step up their efforts to protect millions of migrant workers from deadly heat exposure.

They observed that migrant workers across the Gulf region risked suffering from heat-related illnesses and injuries like cumulative stress, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and kidney diseases.

Vital Signs researchers of Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and Foundation for Climate Research analysed the Gulf climate data, drawing on the latest state-of-the-art climate change projection models.

According to the report, roughly 10,000 people from South and Southeast Asia die in the Gulf countries every year…

Presenting the research findings RMMRU executive director CR Abrar said that an extreme and rising temperature in the Gulf was detrimental to migrant workers’ health.

‘Migrants have a huge economic contribution to the development of the countries where they are working, and so the countries must commit to protect their health,’ he added…

Nephrologist Md Dilder Hossain Badal in Dhaka Medical College Hospital…found that migrant workers suffered from kidney stone-related problems, urine infection and constipation in the Gulf countries, but were hardly getting any healthcare…

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