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Company Response

28 Dic 2020

Hanesbrands' response re. FCO International

At Hanesbrands we conduct business globally with the highest ethical manner and we value our strong reputation for corporate responsibility, that is why we take these matters seriously. For almost 25 years our Global Standards for Suppliers (GSS) has set out our compliance expectations wherever we do business.  A copy of these standards an additional information can be found at www.hbisustains.com

We are actively gathering facts to better understand the issues surrounding FCO International in the Philippines, one of our licensees' manufacturing sites.  I am sharing with you the information that we have gathered to date: 

  • As mentioned, FCO International is currently manufacturing bags under the Champion brands for one of our licensees. 
  • The overall production dedicated to the Champion brand represents 8%-10% of FCO's total manufacturing capacity. 
  • FCO management informed our licensee that the employees contract terminations mentioned in the article is only for probationary workers. There were 124 probationary workers that ended their contracts in September 2020, and they got paid for the proportionate 13th month pay and the deferred holiday pay. 
  • The deferment of the holiday payment was previously approved by the local authorities and,  as mentioned above,  it was paid on the last day of their contract.

Sequenza temporale