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10 Dic 2011

Hudbay Minerals lawsuit (re shooting at Fenix mine, Guatemala, filed in Canada)


Date lawsuit was filed
10 Dic 2011
Location of Filing: Canada
Location of Incident: Guatemala
Type of Litigation: Transnational


Hudbay Minerals Canada Mining


Snapshot: On 10 December 2011, a lawsuit was filed against Hudbay Minerals in Canada by a survivor of a shooting incident at the Fenix project.  The plaintiff, who became paraplegic as a result, alleges that in September of 2009 he was shot at close range in an unprovoked attack by the chief of security for Hudbay’s Fenix project. The case is ongoing.

Para la versión en español de este perfil de las demandas judiciales contra HudBay Minerals por actividades en Guatemala, haga clic acá.

C русской версией описания этого дела можно ознакомиться здесь.

On 10 December 2011, a lawsuit was filed against Hudbay Minerals in Canada by a survivor of a shooting incident at the Fenix project.  The plaintiff, who became paraplegic as a result, alleges that in September of 2009 he was shot at close range in an unprovoked attack by the chief of security for Hudbay’s Fenix project.

Two other lawsuits were filed in Canada against Hudbay Minerals in relation to this project:

  • in September 2010 by a widow of a community leader killed during protests against the project filed a lawsuit
  • in March 2011 by 11 Guatemalan alleging the companie was complicit in the gang rapes committed by private security forces on the Fenix nickel mining project

On 22 July 2013 the Superior Court of Ontario ruled that the lawsuits can proceed to trial in Canadian court. All three lawsuits are ongoing.

- [PDF] Ontario court rules that lawsuits against Hudbay Minerals regarding shootings, murder and gang-rape at its former mine in Guatemala can proceed to trial in Canada, 22 Jul 2013

- "Shooting Victim Announces Third Human Rights Lawsuit Against Hudbay Minerals", Klippensteins Barristers & Solicitors, Rights Action, 7 Dec 2011

- Hudbay: [PDF] Hudbay Responds to Allegations in Statement of Claim, 29 Mar 2011
- Hudbay: The facts: Hudbay's former operations in Guatemala 

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