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20 Nov 2004

Ron Chepesiuk, National Defense College, Bangladesh, in Daily Star [Bangladesh]

Human rights: Can multinationals be held accountable?

...little effort has been made to make the multinationals accountable for what they do in interest of profit. But times are changing, thanks to a coalition consisting of plaintiffs from the developing world and aggressive human rights groups...[that] are taking multinationals from all over the world to court on the issue of human rights. [refers to Unocal, IBM, Shell, Coca Cola, Panamco (part of Coca-Cola FEMSA), CACI, Titan, ExxonMobil, Drummond, Occidental Petroleum, Del Monte (Fresh Del Monte Produce), DaimlerChrysler, BAT, Rothmans of Pall Mall]

Part of the following timelines

ExxonMobil lawsuit (re Aceh)

Coca-Cola lawsuit (re Colombia)

Apartheid reparations lawsuits (re So. Africa)

Unocal lawsuit (re Myanmar)