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7 Feb 2022

Business Standard

India: Hindustan Zinc fined over environmental violations

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"NGT imposes Rs 25 crore fine to Hindustan Zinc Ltd in Rajasthan" 7 February 2022

The National Green Tribunal has imposed a fine of Rs 25 crore to Hindustan Zinc Ltd, in connection with environmental violations at villages Agucha, Rampura, etc, Tehsil Hurd, District Bhilwada, Rajasthan covering nearly an area about 1,200 hectares of mining land...

As per the complainant, there is heavy blasting and underground mining operations are resulting in contamination of source of drinking water, resulting in various diseases like Asthma and skin borne ailments. Livestocks are also affected. Dust and stones get accumulated close to the agricultural land and houses of the inhabitants. Toxic and contaminated waste water is discharged from the mines. The area is 'over exploited' in terms of the ground water, it said...

The victims of damage are unspecified number of persons spread over in more than six Panchayats in Hurda block namely Bherukhera, Agucha, Parasrampura, Kalyanpura, Kothiya, Balapura and others. Thus, case is made out for requiring the company to provide for compensation for the past violations and bear the cost of remediation, apart from complying with the recommendations of the Committee...