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14 Ago 2023


Indonesia: Chinese-invested glass factory investment in Batam sparks relocation controversy

"Government to Proceed with Relocation in Batam Despite Resident's Protest" 14 August 2023

Investment Minister and Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Bahlil Lahadalia stressed that the government will proceed with the relocation of thousands of residents affected by the mega project in the Rempang area.

...There will be a downstream investment development in Rempang from quartz sand and silica to establish the world's biggest glass factory after China's...the total investment amounted to US$11.5 billion.

Bahlil said that the development will proceed with the residents' rights in mind. However, not all of the aspirations can be accommodated. 


The glass factory development is a direct result of President Jokowi's visit to China a while ago, securing an investment from Xinyi Group.


However, the island development plan is met with rejection from Rempang locals. The residents of 16 old villages in Rempang emphasized that they are not opposed to the development itself but are also not willing to be relocated. 

"Go ahead and develop Rempang, but don't disturb our ancestor's villages, don't evict us," said Rusli, a local, during a dialogue concerning Rempang development between government officials and local residents.

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