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17 Giu 2005


Iraq: Halliburton to build $30 million prison at Guantanamo Bay

"US: Halliburton to Build $30 million Prison at Guantanamo Bay", 17 June 2005

The U.S. Navy wants Houston-based Halliburton Co. to build a $30 million prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command has assigned Halliburton subsidiary KBR to construct a two-story facility capable of handling 220 prisoners, along with a security fence...

"The future detention facility will be based on prison models in the U.S. and is designed to be safer for the long-term detention of detainees and guards who serve" at Guantanamo, a Pentagon spokesman said in a prepared statement. "It is also expected to require less manpower."...

Halliburton was assigned the construction job under an existing five-year contract it won with the Pentagon last year after competitive bidding. The total contract is valued at up to $500 million.

"KBR was selected to continue providing private-sector construction and related services to the U.S. Navy and other Department of Defense agencies and missions worldwide through this program," Halliburton spokeswoman Cathy Gist Mann said...

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