Iraq War Contractors Fight On Against Lawsuits, Investigations, Fines [USA]
Until recently, many of the war's most controversial…U.S. contractors faced relatively few repercussions for their conduct in Iraq…But a handful of court rulings in the past two years have put big-name Iraq War contractors on the defensive against allegations of torture, fraud, negligence and extrajudicial killings…In November 2012…a jury found KBR guilty of negligence in the poisoning of eight soldiers in Iraq who were exposed to highly toxic chemicals. The company is appealing the decision…In many cases, the close working relationships between contractors and U.S. personnel during the Iraq War have exacerbated the difficulty for the government in prosecuting contractors who violated U.S. laws or for alleged victims of contractor malfeasance in seeking redress...Like Blackwater…L-3 Services and CACI, are still in the process of settling claims related to Iraq War incidents...[Refers to Academi (formerly Blackwater), Blackwater, CACI, Halliburton, KBR, L-3 Services, Reflex Responses, Xe Services (formerly Blackwater)]