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Company Response

2 Feb 2017

Kosmos response & statement on repeal of transparency regulations under US Dodd-Frank Act section 1504

Kosmos would like to refer all interested parties to our long held position... Kosmos believes resource revenues are more likely to be managed in the best interests of a country if payments and receipts are made transparently, and if accountability measures are in place for the use of these revenues. Ideally, this process is underpinned by a national dialogue in which industry plays its part as a partner with government and civil society. Kosmos is committed to advocating for transparency in our dealings with host governments...

In October 2015, Kosmos submitted a comment letter to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of the SEC rulemaking process for Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which proposed requiring US-listed companies to disclose payments to US and foreign governments as a standard part of their reporting to the SEC…

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