Letter: Re: Citigroup - corporate, social and legal responsibility - Belarusian Government Bonds
29 September 2020
...We, Belarusian professionals working in Britain, are following up on the letter we sent to Citigroup on 14 September 2020. The letter dealt with Citigroup's involvement in the Belarusian government bonds...In this letter, we reiterate our requests stated in the initial letter to Citigroup and provide an update with respect to our continuing activity to raise awareness about Citigroup’s work with Belarusian government. We remain open to a dialogue and a meeting.
We find the lack of communication and action on behalf of Citigroup with respect to Belarusian government bonds disappointing and going against (1) Citigroup's social and corporate responsibility, (2) Citigroup's Code of Ethics, (3) the UN Global Compact principles signed by Citigroup, and (4) the first principle ("integrity") of the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
Citigroup's silence is in a stark contrast with numerous statements made by the UK, EU, US and Canadian governments condemning the ongoing human rights violations and torture in Belarus and not recognising the most recent presidential elections in the country...